One of the oldest and most peaceful traditional villages in South Nias, Orahili Fa'u was also one of the last to fall during the Dutch invasion.
Orahili Fa’u village is one of the oldest traditional villages in South Nias, which is the ancestral site of the Bawomataluo community. This village in Fanayama Subdistrict and not far from Bawomataluo is historically the last stronghold of Dutch conquest on Nias Island because of its strong resistance so that the Netherlands needs a long time to enter this village.
This Orahili Fa’u is 12 Km from the center of Teluk Dalam City with a distance of 30 minutes. There are 70 traditional houses lined up to the left and right with stones as high as 210 cm for stone jumping in the middle.
Orahili Fa'u village is an alternative for tourists to visit if they want to find traditional villages that are not crowded with visitors, comfortable and want to interact directly with their local residents. Visitors can enjoy stone jumping and war dance attractions in this village Visitors can enjoy rock jumping and war dance attractions in this village (by paying agreed fees).